Saturday, October 13, 2012

Monsters for the Grandkids

It started off simple enough.  Make a stuffed monster for Ben.  He is our five year old grandson who started kindegarten this year.  Seems like I am often making something for the granddaughters so I thought a little something for Ben was in order.  I decided on a whimsical monster.  Something sweet, like Ben and mischievous like him, too.  I would say it was a huge succes.
Before I had a chance to give it to Ben, the granddaughters saw it.  Now, I have five granddaughters ranging in ages from 14 years old to 2 months.  And wouldn't you know, they all wanted one.  So on my day off Thursday I spent it making girl monsters.  I didn't really think the baby would care if she got one or not but her mommy said she needed one, too. 
Julianne loves hers.  I had to make hers with one blue eye and one brown because she has a blue eye and a brown eye.
Baby Lucy seems to love her mini monster, too.
This one is Kaitlyn's.  She is our 14 year old.  I didn't get a picture of her with it, but believe me, she loves it!
This one is Ava's.  She is six and in first grade.  She really likes the teeth on hers.
This one belongs to Allie, our two year old.  She was not very happy about hers.  She wanted pink!  After we explained to her that it matched her room she was fine with it.
We also have a 15 soon to be 16 year old grandson, Kody.  Fortunately for me, Kody is just not into plush monsters.  But don't worry; I recently made him a vest he wanted so he could wear it to school.  He's quirky that way.


  1. Love your monsters!!! You are so clever!! I feel if I tried it they would be really scary monsters, not fun ones!! :-P Hugs, H in Healdsburg
