Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blogger's Quilt Festival

I am so happy to join in Amy's blogger's quilt festival again this year.  It is such a wonderful place to go to see beautiful quilts and meet talented quilters and read their blogs.  Thank you, Amy.  I can't imagine the work that goes into this.  Just click on this link and sit back and enjoy.

I have blogged about this sweet little baby quilt before.  But I thought it would be a nice addition to the festival.  My daughter, Misty, is expecting her third baby. This will be our seventh grandbaby.  I believe no matter how many babies there are they are all special and this baby is special, too.  When I started making this quilt, we didn't know if it was a girl or boy and Misty said she wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out.

When it came down to it, she just couldn't wait to find out.  So the first oppurtunity she got she found out she was having a girl.  Maybe that is a good thing because I think this quilt is a little girly.  It is my own design.  I found this large rickrack and thought it would look adorable stitched to sollid strips of solids.  On the white strips I stitched down the two different sizes of yoyos.  I love to hand quilt, so I used coordinating colors of perle cotton to stitch around the yoyos and white perle cotton to stitch on the colored strips. 

I love this fabric I used for the backing.  It is some I have had in my stash for quite some time.  I needed the perfect baby quilt for this fabric and I think this is it.                                                    

Baby Lucy will be joining our family in August and I hope she gets lots of use out of this sweet, baby quilt.                                                                                                                                                             


Habibti at Home said...

Oh my it is adorable and what a lucky baby! So sweet that you are making her third baby a quilt! Love the colors too!

CathyH said...

The colors are so pleasing! I love your handwork

Cathy Tomm said...

Very nice baby quilt. I love the rick rack and yo yos. Best of luck to your daughter with the birth of the new baby.

CitricSugar said...

That is a really fun, sweet quilt!

Cynthia@wabisabiquilts said...

What a sweet quilt. I especially like the hand quilting - it reminds me of sashiko. I am now following your blog:).

Lonci said...

This is really great, i love this:))

SuziesImaginarium said...

This is so very cute!! I love it!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I think this quilt is adorable...front and back! I love the extra little touches that make it so sweet.

QuiltinGal said...

The way you quilted with the white pearl cotton is so neat looking. Also I love your fish gadget.

the girlfriend gap said...

rick rack and yo- yos can you say cute as can be!! I love the hand quilting. That is my first choice for quilting. Thanks for stopping by the girlfriend gap and for your sweet comments on my quilt at the festival. It is a joy to bless the ones we love with quilts. i look forward to visiting more of your posts. janita

sonia said...

So beautiful! Congrats!

OPQuilt said...

I love seeing new designs--and yours is so inventive and wonderfully full of life and energy. That new baby will love laying on this quilt, and as she grows older, will love knowing it came from her grandma. Beautiful!

Elizabeth E.

Gene Black said...

That is one great quilt for a little princess. I wish I had time to do handwork. Maybe when I retire I will learn to hand quilt.

Robin said...

Such a sweet quilt! Ric-rac is so happy-- and with the yo-yos too? Brilliant!!! Your lovely handquilting takes it over the top. I just love it. Thanks so much for sharing!

Martine Kuciel said...

très jolie réalisation ,et conception originale

PBJ Quilt Sandwiches said...

What a great quilt! I love the handstitching and fun design. Using the rickrack is a cute touch!

Heidi Grohs said...

I think it is absolutely PERFECT. I love the combination of yo-yos and the rick rack!!!

Michelle said...

That's adorable! I love the huge ric rack -- and combining it with yo-yos makes it even better!

Kate Brown said...

I love this little quilt, the colors are so sweet and the hand quilting is wonderful.

Nana said...

Why handquilt if you can't see it? Lovely work. I'm inspired.

Crafty Friends said...

This quilt is totally gorgeous! I love the combination of the ric rac and the yo-yo's and you have a great eye for colour. Well done!!

Deonn said...

Oh, Sandy, that is so sweet - love the yoyos, rickrack and adorable fabrics on the back. It will be a treasure for the new one!

It's Sew Carrie said...

What an adorable quilt and thank you for sharing! It is an inspiration!