Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm in a Slump!

After I finished the tumbler quilt from my last post, I have been in a slump.  I just can't seem to get my mojo on.  Have you ever had that happen to you?  I want to sew, I have lot's of ideas, I just can't seem to get motivated.   What do you do to snap out of it?


  1. Sandy, try cleaning up your studio, folding fabrics. Etc. Sometimes just playing around and NOT sewing can help you find the mojo.

  2. I remind myself that I know I will regret the time lost and I don't want to live with avoidable regrets. Also, I know that once I get at my sewing machine, get going, I am fine and don't want to stop. Go for a walk, get some fresh air. A thought: time lost/not used/wasted(?) is time that can not be recovered.....and that is sad. You can do it!!!! Hugs, Doreen

  3. I understand this, I make something for someone else, something for charity for instance. I hope you get out of your slump soon.
    Reading a book helps too,

  4. I've felt that way since Christmas. I just want to curl up with a book. I finally just forced myself, because I wanted to make me a Valentine quilt before February came and left. Well, the top is done, but my machine is broke and is in the shop and all I want to do is sew!

  5. This happens to me too. I just let it pass and look at fabric while it's happening. I hope you fund your mojo soon. I love your quilts!
