Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Years Resolution to Stash Management

I have decided I have way too much fabric.  Now, just because I have too much doesn't mean I want to get rid of any of it.  I love fabric.  I love to look at it and I love to touch it.  I buy fabric that I don't have plans for.  I may have ideas for it, but sometimes (well, I have to be honest, a lot of the time), the ideas don't become reality because there just isn't enough time.  But I continue to add to my collection when a fabric catches my eye.  I have yards and yards of fabric, jelly rolls, fat quarters and lots and lots of charm packs.  So,  I decided to make a New Year's resolution.  No more fabric until I use what I have.  Of course there are conditions to this resolution.  I can get fabric to coordinate with fabric in my stash if I need it for a project.  But only as a necessity.  I really want to stick to this.  I know it won't be easy.  Especially with all those beautiful new fabrics coming out.  I am really determined and I know I can do it.


  1. Hi! I found your blog through a comment you left on mine! Good luck with your stash management! I'm trying to do the same so I've joined Angela's FAbric DIet over at "Cut to Pieces" She has a cute button to add to your page and it is great support! Cheers, Suz

  2. Hi Sandy! My name is also Sandy and I'm also in Louisville! I've been trying to manage my "resource center" for a number of years. It's really been nice, however, to go to my center and pull out something that is just right for a new project, so I really haven't been too concerned about using up what I have. I teach a free community sewing class once a month, so the "resource center" is really handy to have for samples, as well as new class projects.
