Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Wonky House Quilt

This quilt is a collaboration of blocks from a swap I was in. All blocks except one were made by quilting friends from my I had asked everyone to make 12 1/2 in. wonky house blocks made from bright fabrics with white backgrounds so they would all be cohesive. I think it turned out great. Each one of them is absolutely perfect. I can't decide on a favorite. I think it is which ever one I am focused on at the moment.
My question is what is the best way to quilt this. Any ideas?


  1. Great work! Can't wait to read more from you. Keep up the great work

  2. What a very cute quilt. I love houses.

  3. I LOVE this quilt. I want one! I'm going to put it on my list to do...thanks for the inspiration!
