Sunday, August 16, 2009

Amy's Quilt

Amy's living room is red and she has a lot of black and white accents in there too. I thought she would like this quilt. I made it from a charm pack I got from a swap on craftsters. I had to add a few squares of my own. I also added the black and white solids. I threw in a red block and binded it with a red polka dot. I quilted it on my machine. I normally quilt by hand but decided I would try it on the machine. It isn't great but I think it looks pretty good. Amy loves it.


  1. Sandy,
    I just checked out your blog - what fun to see your quilts and read about your children and grandchildren. Your quilts and bears are great. Thanks for sharing them with us. I think about Steven every year at this time. I remember you were hesitatnt about coming to Jon & Leslie's wedding after the terible loss of your son. We were so glad you were able to be there. You are an inspiration! Stay happy and busy and the lovely person your are!
    Aunt Mary Jane

  2. What a cute quilt! I love the bits of red.

    Your post about your son touched me.
