Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's and all the ones who make them mothers! It has been nearly ten years since I lost my mother and not a day goes by I don't think of her. She was a stay at home mom back when it was the the "popular" thing to do. She raised six kids on one salary and one car. No microwave, computer or cell phones. No cable TV, no video games or VCRs. I wonder how she did it. Life was much simpler then. Plenty of kids in the neighborhood to play with. No sitting in the house all summer. We played outside until the streetlight came on and didn't want to come in then. In the winter, on snow days, we sledded on the neighborhood hill and had to be told to come in because we were too cold. Mom was always home when we got home from school. She always cooked our breakfast in the morning before school and our supper was served at 5:00 everyday. We had structure in our life and discipline when we needed it. Thanks Mom, for all the memories and all the love you gave us! I miss you!

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