Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wow! What a day! Ben was a little wild man this morning. I went to the OB with Misty for her appointment and it's a good thing I did. We were there for two hours. Dr. wanted to make sure the baby was growing so he wanted an ultrasound. So we waited and waited. Poor little Ben, he did really good being confined to his stroller for about an hour and ten minutes, then he needed up. Did you know two year olds can run fast? I mean really, really fast! As soon as he got the opportunity, he was down the hall and checking into the surgery scheduler. He did not want to be held. He did not want to sit in his stroller, he did not want to do anything but run. Finally, we went back for the ultrasound and he was not one bit excited to see his baby sister on the computer screen. By the way, baby is fine. At 33 weeks she is measuring 4 lbs. and 5 oz., up from 3 lbs. 6 oz. just two weeks ago.
After we left the Dr.'s office we went to lunch and headed to BabiesRUs. On the ride home, I looked back at him in his carseat and his eyes rolled back and the next thing you know he was snoring! I wanted to join him but I was driving. All in all, considering how long he had to be restrained, I thought he did really good.

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